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Diamonique 100 Facet Simulated Gemstone Ring, Sterling Silver
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Affinity Gems Amethyst & White Zircon Ring, Sterling Silver
Affinity Gems 14K Gold Plated Sterling Silver Amethyst Ring
Affinity Gems Multi-Gemstone Hexagon Ring, 14KGold Plated
Affinity Gems Multi-Gemstone Band Ring, 14K Rose Gold Plated
Affinity Gems Multi-Gemstone Band Ring, Sterling Silver
Sterling Gemstone and White Topaz Accent Ring
Affinity Gems Multi-Gemstone Halo Ring, Sterlin g Silver
Sterling Emerald Shape Gemstone Ring w/ DiamondAccent
Affinity Gems Cushion Cut Semi-Precious Wave Ring, Sterling Silver
$58.98 $66.00 Save {0}% , was, $66.00
Affinity Gems Cushion Cut Semi-Precious Wave Ring, Yellow Plated
Affinity Gems Cushion Gemstone Band Ring, Sterling Silver
Sterling Silver Emerald Cut Gemstone & White Toaz Ring
Ariva Sterling Silver Multi-Gemstone Halo Ring
Affinity Gems Sterling Silver Amethyst Ring
Affinity Gems Multi-Gemstone Cocktail Ring, Sterling Silver.
$71.99 $163.00 Save {0}% , was, $163.00
Affinity Gems Oval & Baguette Cut Amethyst Ring, Sterling