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Haus of Brilliance 0.35 Cttw Diamond Ring, 10K Rose Gold
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Haus of Brilliance 0.30 cttw Diamond Bridal Rin g Set, Sterlin
Haus of Brilliance 0.40 cttw Diamond Promise Ri ng, 10K Gold
Haus of Brilliance 2.00 cttw Diamond Anniversar y Ring, 14K
Haus of Brilliance 3.00 cttw Diamond Cocktail Ring, 10K Gold
Haus of Brilliance 3.00 cttw Diamond Cigar R in10K Gold
Haus of Brilliance 2.00 cttw Diamond Band Ring,Sterling
Haus of Brilliance 2.40 cttw Diamond Band Ring, Sterling
Haus of Brilliance 3.00 cttw Diamond Eternity Band Ring, 14K