There's no gem like ruby. Ruby jewelry has been sought-after for centuries. From royal rubies to designs for everyday wear, the rich redness of the ruby is the perfect gem to signify passion, power, and warmth. Remember those famous ruby slippers? There's a reason these vivid gemstones were chosen. QVC offers a wide selection of stunning ruby styles you can bring home to create magical memories of your own.

Rubies come in various shades of red that span from soft pink to bold, blood red. You can find a range of colors featured in ruby earrings, pendants, bracelets, and more. A ruby ring is a perfect gift for Valentine's Day or any day for the love of your life. As July's birthstone, ruby jewelry can be given to celebrate the occasion. Give a ruby necklace or commemorative charms that can be treasured throughout the year.

Shop QVC's collection of ruby jewelry and feel the power these gemstones can bring. Whether browsing for yourself to add new life to your look or giving a gift to a loved one, vibrant rubies are a strong choice. Click your mouse as many times as it takes to purchase the ruby design you want to take home.