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Affinity Diamonds Princess Halo Pendant with Chain .25 cttw
or {0} Easy Pays of {1}
Haus of Brilliance Diamond Bulldog Pendant w/ Chain, Sterling
Haus of Brilliance Diamond Accent J Hoop Earrings, 14K Plated
Haus of Brilliance 0.25 cttw Diamond Two-Tone Ring, Sterling
$213.98 $238.00 Save {0}% , was, $238.00
Haus of Brillia nce Diamond Acc ent Bracelet, Sterling Silver
Haus of Brilliance 1.00 cttw Black Diamond Earrings, Sterling
Haus of Brilliance 2.00 cttw Black Diamond Earrings, Sterling
Haus of Brilliance 0.25 cttw Diamond Lock Necklace, Sterling
Haus of Brilliance Accent Diamond Bridal Set Ri ng, Sterling
$201.98 $224.00 Save {0}% , was, $224.00
Haus of Brilliance Diamond Accent Bridal Set Ri ng, Sterling
$241.98 $269.00 Save {0}% , was, $269.00
Haus of Brilliance 0.25 cttw Diamond Bridal Rin g Set, Sterlin
$322.98 $359.00 Save {0}% , was, $359.00
Haus of Brilliance 0.30 Cttw Diamond Bridal Set Ring, Silver
$336.98 $374.00 Save {0}% , was, $374.00
Haus of Brilliance 0.40 cttw Diamond Promise Ri ng, 10K Gold
$889.98 $989.00 Save {0}% , was, $989.00
Haus of Brilliance Diamond Crossover Ring Band, Sterling
Haus of Brilliance Sapphire & Diamond Link Bracelet,10K
$897.98 $999.00 Save {0}% , was, $999.00
Haus of Brillia nce 4.00 cttw B lack Diamond Ea rrings, Sterlin
Haus of Brilliance Diamond Chain Earrings, 14KGold Plated
Haus of Brilliance 1.00 cttw Lab-Grown DiamondEarrings, 14K
Haus of Brilliance 3/4" Lab Grown Diamond Hoop Earrings
Haus of Brilliance Lab Grown Diamond Huggie Ear rings, Sterlin
Haus of Brilliance Lab-Grown Blue Diamond Earri ngs, 14K Gold
Haus of Brilliance 0.25 cttw Lab Grown DiamondEarrings, 14K
Haus of Brilliance Lab Grown Diamond Stud E arrngs, 14K
Haus of Brilliance Lab Grown Diamond Floral Nec klace, Sterlin