This selection of professional handbags includes totes, backpacks, and shoulder bags from Le Donne. You'll find everything from small clutches to oversized laptop bags in this collection of Le Donne bags.

Whether you're planning a day of work or fun, Le Donne bags can handle all your everyday essentials. With their supple leather exteriors, reinforced double straps, and brass-tone or silver-tone hardware, Le Donne tote bags tie any outfit together. Available in a range of sizes, crossbody bags add hands-free functionality while offering excellent organization and impeccable style.

Le Donne backpacks let you carry even more everyday items hands-free. These stylish bags feature full-grain leather exteriors, multiple interior pockets, and several closures to keep your belongings tucked away safely. Small exterior pockets offer the ideal spaces for smartphones, business cards, pens, and more.

For an even more professional look, Le Donne briefcases help you get the job done. Their interior and exterior organizational features ensure that your files, pens, and business cards will stay in place, whether you're heading to the office or on a business trip.

Browse this Le Donne collection to find elegant, professional handbags. Take your pick from QVC's selection of Le Donne shoulder bags, totes, and messenger bags.